Royal Irish Regiment of Foot

The Officers of the 18th (Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot

John Peter DeLancey
Edward Hand
William Blackwood, ca 1767
Sir John Saunders Sebright, 1770
J. P. Delancey, ca 1825
Edward Hand, ca 1785

Approximately 70 men have been identified as holding commissions in the Royal Irish while it served in America and the vast majority of those officers served with the regiment on American service. The portraits above show three of the regiment's officers, but Hand had long since left the Royal Irish to live and eventually fight as an American when his portrait was completed. A book on the officers of the Royal Irish and those other officers who served with the Royal Irish in America (mostly from the 65th Foot and the Royal Artillery) is currently in publication. Copies of Protecting the Empire's Frontier can be ordered here or via Amazon.

Complete listings of the officers and some biographical data is available on the links below:

Other Associated Officers


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